Saturday, March 8, 2014


  This is where “Fruit Roll-ups” came from.  It has been an Armenian treat and a way to preserve fruit goodness for over a thousand years. 

INGREDIENTS:Makes 4 lbs. (pure fruit rollups)

 ● 8 cups grape juice
 ● ½ sugar (optional for more sweetness)
 ● Corn starch
 ● 1 cup flour (Einkorn or Spelt flour are best as they are not made of the Super Wheats which cause allergic reactions)


1.  Heat 2 cups of the grape juice until lukewarm.

2.   Add the flour to the warm grape juice and mix well. 

3.  Bring the rest of the grape juice to a boil and add the flour mixture slowly and stirring constantly until the mixture begins to bubble.  

4.  Spread a sheet of muslin or plastic wrap on a flat surface and pour the mixture out evenly to a layer of about 1/8 inch. 

5.  Let this dry for about 12 hours. 

6.  Peel the muslin or plastic wrap off the surface and hang like a sheet from a line and let dry for 24 more hours. 

7.  Spray the backside of the muslin (not plastic wrap) lightly with water to release the bastegh from the muslin.

8.   Powder the bastegh with cornstarch, cut into strips and roll up and store in a jar.

1.  Other fruit juices can be used instead of grape juice.  Pomegranate and berry juices work very well.  The pastegh takes on the color of the juice you are using.  The darker the juice the darker the fruit leathers or fruit roll ups will be. 

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